HTM bus en rood/grijze Avenio tram kruisen elkaar bij Madurodam

De Tram Waarschuwings Installatie

For the safety of all

The Tram Warning Installation (TWI) warns road users of an approaching tram or bus by a visual signal (orange or red flashing light) and almost always a sound signal. These installations, which are managed by HTM or the municipality, are located at various places in our line network. An HTM TWI can be recognized by the green sign with a number on the pole. TWIs are not located at all intersections but only at the most obscure places.

It is not a legal requirement to place a TWI in all places. A TWI is intended to make road users extra alert that a tram or bus is approaching. The signal does not indicate whether a bus or tram is coming from the left or the right, only that a tram or bus is approaching. As a fellow road user, it is still important to look carefully, even if a TWI does not give a signal (light or sound). The locally applicable traffic rules always apply here (Reglement Verkeerregels en Verkeerstekens RVV).

In addition to HTM's TWIs, there are TWIs at various locations that are part of a traffic control installation (VRI). The maintenance and management of this installation is the responsibility of the municipality. 
Pedestrians, cyclists or scooters are not always alert to the signals from the TWI. Ambient noise and technological advances such as headphones and cell phones increase noise and impressions. Be extra alert at intersections or blind spots and monitor traffic. 

Report a defect?

Please let us know!

Is a TWI with a green sign not working? Please report this to HTM using the complaint form.

If a TWI at a Traffic Light is defective, go to the website of the relevant municipality and report it there.


HTM reiziger op tramhalte naast HTM tram gebruikt haar telefoon