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Which discount will you choose?

HTM | Zakelijk geklede vrouw staat op een HTM halte en kijkt naar haar telefoon

Do you travel by tram or bus daily? Then we have good news! HTM helps you save on your travel costs.

  • Travel economically on a fixed route with the region subscription
  • Choose standard discount with subscriptions altijd korting maand- or jaar or the HTM maandkorting subscription
  • Discover the convenience of traveling with your (mobile) debit or credit card via OVpay.

Get on board and discover more!

Environmentally friendly forward

Want to contribute to less CO2 emissions and cleaner air? Then leave your car and hop on a tram or bus. Public transport is a great way to contribute to a sustainable society.

Did you know:

  • A full tram fits 150 people, which is equivalent to 115 passenger cars.
  • You can fit 77 fellow travellers in a full bus, which is the same as 60 passenger cars!
  • Tram 3 and 4 run entirely on solar energy.
  • You can see in the HTM Travel Planner how much CO2 emissions you save if you choose public transport instead of car?
Reizigers Avenio lopen naast HTM tram
Reiziger zit in HTM bus, luistert muziek en leest een boek

Some time to yourself

Grab that extra moment for yourself by travelling with HTM.

  • Relax! Enjoy your favourite series or playlist.
  • Use public transport to switch from work to home mode.
  • Do some household chores, do your shopping online for example!

Comfortably from A to B

Avoid congestion and parking stress by travelling by public transport!

  • Arrive at work dry and safe. You don't have to worry about getting wet!
  • Enjoy your own driver in tram and bus. You relax, we'll do the rest.
  • No worries about runny make-up or a windswept hairdo. In the public transport, you sit comfortably dry.
Reizigers Elektrische Bus HTM