Products & rates

Reizigers lopen op halte naast HTM tram

Discover our prices for your bus and tram adventures. From individual tickets to personal transport tickets.

Travel with OVpay

Always a ticket at hand

  • Check in and out with your (mobile) debit or credit card. 
  • With OVpay, you pay for what you travel: a fixed basic fare + a rate per kilometre. 
  • Children aged 4 to 11 and travelers aged 65+ can take advantage of the discounted rate. Discover age discount.
Basic fare € 1,12€ 0,74
Kilometer rate € 0,193€ 0,128

Your check-in and check-out determines the number of kilometers travelled. Don't check in or out? Then you pay the the boarding fee of € 4,00.

Travelling with OV-chipkaart

Travel throughout the Netherlands with a charged card

  • With OV-chipkaart, you pay for what you travel: a fixed basic fare + a rate per kilometre. 
  • Children aged 4 to 11 and travellers aged 65+ can use the discounted fare. Discover age discount leeftijdskorting.
Basic fare € 1,12€ 0,74
Kilometer rate € 0,193€ 0,128

 Your check-in and check-out depends on the number of kilometres you have travelled. Don't check in or out? Then you pay the boarding fee of  € 4,00.

Hourly and daily tickets

Travel for a fixed price

Do you travel occasionally with HTM? Then these are the most convenient tickets. Choose unlimited travel for a certain time limit or combine your public transport journey with cheap parking. 

 FARE 2025
HTM Child Dayticket€ 1,50
HTM 2 Hour Ticket€ 4,70
HTM Day Ticket€ 8,30
HTM 3 Day Ticket€ 21,-
HTM Child Groupticket€ 26,50
HTM Night bus ticket€6,50
Tourist Day Ticket€ 17,-
P+R Hoornwijckv.a. € 6,50

Discount subscriptions

Always travel with a discount

Do you regurlarly travel by public transport? Find out how to save money with a discount season ticket. 

 RATE 2025
HTM Maandkorting€ 4,-

Regio abonnementen

Travel a fixed route for a fixed price

You travel unlimited with the Regio Abonnement within your chosen zones for a fixed amount. 

1 star (month)€ 61,-€ 40,-
2 star (month)€ 99,-€ 65,-
3 star (month)€ 147,-€ 97,-
4 star (month)€ 195,-€ 129,-
5 star (month)€ 244,-€ 161,-
6 star (month)€ 293,-€ 193,-
1 star (year)€ 610,-€ 400,-
2 star (year)€ 990,-€ 650,-
3 star (year)€ 1.470,-€ 970,-
4 star (year)€ 1.950,-€ 1.290,-
5 star (year)€ 2.440,-€ 1.610,-
6 star (year)€ 2.930,-€ 1.930,-